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Meetings are at 10:AM on the second Saturday. Guests are welcome, remote and in person

 Attend the next 2nd Saturday meeting at the Buttercup Inn, 660 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Walnut Creek, CA 94596  We start gathering at about 9:30 to start the meeting at 10:00

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As I alluded to in last month’s newsletter, September and October are proving to be our busiest and most eventful months. Between Danville’s Hot Summer Sunday, Ironstone, Birds on the Wharf, and our slate of new officers for 2025, it’s been crazy.
And in case you missed the news on that topic – we are excited to welcome that slate of new officers. Between our officers who moved away this year and Guy and me stepping down, it’s a whole new board for BATOC. It will be an exciting new journey, with new directions, new ideas and new adventures. I take this formal opportunity to thank you all of you for stepping up and grabbing the reins of this amazing club. And the winners are;
President – Joe Adams, Vice President – Lisa Perry, Treasurer – Cathy Hager, Secretary – Jean Riley, Activities – Nick Verhoek, Newsletter – Mark Goldenberg
And while Joe and Lisa don’t officially take over until January 1st, please take a moment of your own to welcome them to their new roles and to thank them for their commitment to BATOC’s future. Afterall, BATOC is an important legacy that we are very proud of.
On the fun notes: Some of us just returned from Ironstone and had a great time. Albeit a small group, we enjoyed the smaller than usual Concours field and had fun shaking things up a bit by staying at the Murphy’s Hotel for the first time and by moving our usual BATOC BBQ to Friday night instead of Saturday. These changes worked well, and we’ll do it again next year. AND, congratulations to Nick for taking best in class with his beautiful ’55.
Of course, coming up next is Birds on the Wharf in Santa Cruz on Oct. 12. This falls on our normal meeting day so keep in mind that there will be no BATOC meeting in October. We have a nice group of 12 -14 cars going down for the day and remember that everyone is welcome to join in – even if you haven’t formally registered. All are welcome and all vintages of Thunderbirds. Come along. If you are coming, we will caravan from the Buttercup early Saturday morning, leaving by 6:30 AM. Currently, we are planning to go down via Hwy. 17 and to return via Hwy 1. If you are joining us for the day, please RSVP to me right away and let me know your caravanning plans.
Following Birds on the Wharf Is our Support Our Seniors / Friendsgiving event on November 2. As you know, this year we are implementing or “Support Our Seniors” event with a fabulous day of giving and friendship at the Hillcrest Gardens Senior Center with a mini car show and gift bag give-away, followed by our Friendsgiving feast at Terra Mia Restaurant in Livermore. See the flyer and gift bag suggestions inside and PLEASE join us for a rewarding day of friendship to Support Our Seniors.
RSVP ASAP. I am sure that I am forgetting something important, and I am sure that it will come to me immediately after sending this to the presses, but there you are. Remember, NO meeting in October, but we hope to see you at Birds on the Wharf and / or Friendsgiving.
Feel free to call me anytime if I’ve forgotten something or you just want to share your thoughts.
Happy T-Birding



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BATOC is affiliated with the Classic Thunderbird International Club which allows us to stay connected to other Thunderbird clubs around the world


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